Simon Richards to judge at the CHARGE Energy Brand Awards 2020

by David Dowling

We were delighted that Simon was invited as a judge for the CHARGE2020 Energy Branding Awards. The CHARGE Awards celebrate excellence in branding and aim to stimulate the discussion on brand strategy by acknowledging and showcasing outstanding branding initiatives within the energy sector. The awards cover many different aspects of branding within the global energy sector, including Best B2B Brand, Best Distribution Brand, Best Innovation Brand, etc. They also stand out from other branding awards programmes as each submission needs to be supported by evidence in segmentation, business objectives and results – often a missing piece in awards programmes as so many rely on the visual aspect.

The CHARGE Awards are also part of the CHARGE Energy Branding conference, a global symposium on how branding can transform a commodity and grow brand value. We are looking forward to attending the conference at the end of September.

For more information on the conference the link is