Imagine a better way…
…to start again. A call out for financial institutions to reimagine the future of banking, to pursue change with clarity and conviction. To reset the financial services infrastructure from the ground up, to start again.
…to start again. A call out for financial institutions to reimagine the future of banking, to pursue change with clarity and conviction. To reset the financial services infrastructure from the ground up, to start again.

Lasting, purposeful progress is driven by people and businesses with the imagination and determination to improve the future. Working with leaders and digital pioneers, Leveris converges technology, people and data and have created a better way to build a bank. As the company evolved at pace, the brand strategy needed to be realigned to their business strategy and vision to build better banks; banks that are sustainable and inclusive, that improve the way things work and the way we live.

Through a process of deep internal and external engagement, we co-created a new purpose that reflects the culture and intent of the business:
To use imagination and determination to invent a better way, improving the future for individuals, businesses and society.
The design system is built from the truth that the Leveris platform is the most technologically advanced, modular core banking system in the market. Agility needs a strong central structure so it can respond quickly and effectively to change so the modular nature of the platform was brought to life through the use of a fluid yet stable grid and refined colour palette that has the flexibility to accommodate new products and solutions.

Thank you so much for all the hard work you have put in. You have been a pleasure to work with and have delivered over and beyond what was asked. Great people make great companies. And you guys have them in abundance.
Aidan Lawlor, Head of Marketing

Leveris recently launched their new identity with a renewed sense of optimism and drive to imagine a better future for the company, their industry and the millions of people who use their technology on a daily basis.