Creatives Against Covid-19 is a campaign calling on the creative industry to design and donate inspiring posters of optimism, resilience, and hope. The posters will be made available to download or buy in print, with all funds donated equally across Women’s Aid and ISPCC Childline.
This is the worst global crisis the world has faced since WWII threatening everyone indiscriminately, but especially vulnerable women and children. Social isolation is more dangerous for women and children living in the reality of abusive relationships. Trapped inside without the sanctuary of work or school, these people need our help now. ISPCC Childline are already reporting a 30% increase in vulnerable children seeking help and advice on online. Equally, Women’s Aid are deeply concerned about the safety of women and children affected by domestic abuse during this pandemic.

Creatives Against Covid-19 aims to mobilise the creative community to help raise much needed funds for women and children who are suffering and in need. We want to come together as a creative force and use our collective imagination and skills to design posters of hope, optimism and resilience. The posters will be created and donated by all creatives including; illustrators, designers, artists, photographers, typographers and writers. All posters will be available for purchase as digital downloads or as beautiful prints on

To reframe this crisis into something more hopeful and optimistic, we have chosen the campaign theme ‘Soon’. This moment in our lives will not last forever. Soon we will be reunited with our families and friends. Soon all the things we enjoy the most will resume. And when they do, we will appreciate them so much more. We will emerge stronger from this crisis, showing more respect and kindness towards each other and our world. Under the positive theme of ‘Soon’ we can share messages of: Hope & Optimism, Strength & Solidarity, Togetherness, Kindness, Resilience. The posters will spread messages of hope for now and the future. The brief is available for download here
The poster submission date is Thursday April 16th. Soon after the posters will go on sale on All proceeds will be equally donated to ISPCC Childline and Women’s Aid.

The campaign is a creative collaboration between Shauna Buckley, Emma Conway, Sarah Doyle, Ryan Kavanagh, Fuchsia MacAree, Rory Simms, The Project Twins and was originated by RichardsDee.
Download the brief:
Instagram: @creativesagainstcovid19
Twitter: @createsvscovid
Facebook: @creativesagainstcovid19