Offset 2013

by Celine Dee

A few weeks ago our design team had the great pleasure to attend the Offset 2013 conference at the Grand Canal Theatre.

Offset 2013 is a hub of design inspiration and positive energy, fast proving to be a world-class design conference drawing some of the most talented image makers and designers from around the world to speak at our doorstep.

Highlights were delivered by Ji Lee and JR. Ji Lee now Facebook’s creative strategist, showcased a host of impressively pro-active and experimental personal projects to demonstrate that “idea is nothing, doing is everything”. His Bubble Project where he created speech bubble stickers and stuck them to advertisements to encourage the public to add their comments brought him much attention, including this ABC news item in which Ji Lee appears, hilariously disguised which you can see here.

As with most design conferences some speakers were more comfortable on stage than others, and naturally inclined to candidly reveal their journey from humble beginnings to star creative than perhaps others. It stands to reason that the speakers who work in a team or in a busy studio are probably naturally more adept at articulating their thought processes than those that work alone. However, some of the most revealing talks were delivered by lone practitioners who revealed to the audience their earliest influences and shared their creative journey – showing that their styles and approach to their work has developed over time to become more accomplished and confident.

Other great talks that our creative team really enjoyed were of a slew of other brilliant creatives that spoke at this year’s event such as The Stone Twins, Natasha Jen, Bob Gill, Ben Bos, Kate Moross, Ciarán Ó’Gaora, Craig & Karl and many others but hopefully you get the picture.

So there you have it, OFFSET 2013, summed up. A HUGE thanks to the team at The Small Print – Richard and Bren, we’re already counting down the days ‘til OFFSET 2014.

A few weeks ago our design team had the great pleasure to attend the Offset 2013 conference at the Grand Canal Theatre.