Hospice Coffee Morning 2020

by Celine Dee

Hospice Coffee Morning Together with Bewley’s is one of Ireland’s biggest, longest and most-loved fundraisers, having raised over €39 million in total for hospice care over the past 27 years. 

Appointed as brand partners in 2016, we worked with the regional hospice groups and Bewley’s to revitalise the campaign strategy, positioning and the creative execution. The campaign subsequently went on to have its best years increasing registrations and donations by double digits, raising over €2m in a single year and winning an All Ireland Marketing Award for Corporate Social Responsibility along the way. 

In order to provide essential care that is free for everyone, hospices needs to raise a staggering €26million every single year. This year the campaign faces restrictions and challenges to physically coming together so Hospice Coffee Morning are asking families and friends to connect virtually or hold a socially distanced coffee morning to raise vital funds ensuring that hospices can continue this critical work. 

Tomorrow, September 24th will mark a very different kind of Hospice Coffee Morning but the team at RichardsDee will be celebrating the day with a cuppa and donating to https://hospicecoffeemorning.ie/donate/ and we ask that you do too.

#coffee4hospice #togetherforhospice.